(R)evolution – Der Online-Kurs für Deine natürliche Elternschaft
Bald als Video-Kurs erhältlich!!
(R)evolution! Let’s go! Du willst verstehen, wie Dein Baby funtkioniert? Endlich wissen, warum es getragen werden will? Wieso es am liebsten auf Deinem Arm schläft? Und wie das alles überhaupt funktionieren soll? Dann bist Du hier richtig. Was Dich erwartet?
On six dates you will get scientific information and individual solutions for the species-appropriate everyday life with the baby, baby sleep, carrying, breastfeeding, diaper-free and care. There will also be exchange in a small, intimate group and lots of fun. Together we will explore the question of how babies can grow up in a species-appropriate way today. You will get tips and exercises for a need-oriented and attentive handling of your baby. Intensive exchange in a small, familiar group is an important part of the course. The topics at a glance:
- needs-based living with the baby
- Design of the needs-based everyday life today
- Sleep - baby sleep - alternatives for healthy, natural sleep for parents and their babies.
- Breastfeeding - the most natural and beautiful thing in the world - why it is sometimes difficult - Baby Led-Weaning - suggestions for self-determined and shared eating.
- Carrying - information and ideas for pleasant carrying times
- Diaper-free - tips and tricks for getting started, phases and challenges
- Care - How can a needs-based care take place? Education, alternatives, suggestions.
We make our lives easier and more comfortable when we go with the nature of our children. This is species-appropriate - for babies and für ihre Eltern. Let’s go (R)evolution! Ich freue mich auf Dich!
Dauer 6x 90min / 180 €
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Karima Atwan
Doula, Coach and
Specialist consultant for Psychotraumatology
Telefon: +598 995 185 86